migration 20240930001852 was previously applied but is missing in the resolved migrations
Check out the dedicated article for this error message
Invalid cross-device link (os error 18)
We're currently trying to find a fix for this issue. Please let us know if you encounter this issue so we can debug further.
Permission denied (os error 13) [Linux]
If you are getting this error on Mac or Windows, open a support ticket and ask for a human.
If you are getting this error on Linux, it means you have some outdated files on your system that the Modrinth App is trying to access, but failing. Open your XDG data home (usually ~/.local/share/
) and check to see if you have any of the following folders:
Make a backup of each. Then, delete them and try to see if it launches.
If you need help merging your backups into the newly generated folders, please open a support ticket and ask for a human.
Read-only file system (os error 30) [MacOS]
If you are getting this error on Linux/Windows, open a support ticket and ask for a human.
We're currently trying to find a fix for this issue. Once it's fixed or we find a solution, this page will be updated