migration 20240930001852 was previously applied but is missing in the resolved migrations
Check out the dedicated article for this error message
Invalid cross-device link (os error 18)
We're currently trying to find a fix for this issue. Once it's fixed or we find a solution, this page will be updated
Permission denied (os error 13)
We're currently trying to find a fix for this issue. Once it's fixed or we find a solution, this page will be updated
Read-only file system (os error 30) [MacOS]
If you are getting this error on Linux/Windows, open a support ticket and ask for a human.
We're currently trying to find a fix for this issue. Once it's fixed or we find a solution, this page will be updated
Invalid Signature
Update Oct 4: A fix has been pushed to our update server, contact support if you're still getting this error.